What Does It Appeared to Be Caught Mean

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Reason: Capture method and modifiers for Generation 7 and all information for Generation VIII

Catch redirects here. For the concept of catching a Pokémon, run across Caught Pokémon.

Each species of Pokémon has a catch charge per unit that applies to all its members. When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses that Pokémon'southward take hold of rate in a formula to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon. Higher catch rates mean that the Pokémon is easier to catch, up to a maximum of 255. The formula also takes into account the following factors:

  • The health of the Pokémon (relative to its full health)
  • The type of Poké Brawl
  • Any status condition of the wild Pokémon
  • Any active Pass Powers (in Generation V), O-Powers (in Generation Half dozen), or Rotom Powers (in Pokémon Ultra Dominicus and Ultra Moon)

Certain other factors, such as the target Pokémon's level, may likewise factor in depending on the type of Poké Ball used or the generation.

Poké Assurance that guarantee capture (the Main Brawl and Park Ball, and whatsoever Poké Brawl used on Kalos Road two Ten Y , Road 101 OR AS , Alola Route i S M US UM prior to the get-go of the festival in Iki Boondocks, or in the Entree Forest) featherbed the catching formula entirely.

Capture method (Generation I)

The capture method in Generation I differs significantly from those of later generations. To determine whether a Pokémon is caught or not, the steps below are performed. If, at any point, the Pokémon is caught or breaks free, the steps following that signal are not performed.

  1. If a Master Brawl is used, the Pokémon is defenseless.
  2. Generate a random number, Northward, depending on the type of ball used.
    • For a Poké Ball: 0 to 255.
    • For a Slap-up Brawl: 0 to 200.
    • Otherwise (Ultra Ball or Safari Ball): 0 to 150.
  3. The Pokémon is caught if...
    • It is asleep or frozen and N is less than 25.
    • Information technology is paralyzed, burned, or poisoned and N is less than 12.
  4. Otherwise, if North minus the status threshold (to a higher place) is greater than the Pokémon's catch charge per unit, the Pokémon breaks free.
  5. If not, generate a random value, K, between 0 and 255.
  6. Summate f:
    • f = H P m a ten × 255 × 4 H P c u r r due east n t × B a fifty fifty {\displaystyle f=\left\lfloor {\dfrac {HP_{max}\times 255\times four}{HP_{current}\times Ball}}\right\rfloor } , where the value of Ball is 8 if a Peachy Ball is used or 12 otherwise. The minimum value of f is i and its maximum value is 255.
  7. If f is greater than or equal to Thousand, the Pokémon is caught. Otherwise, the Pokémon breaks gratis. In applied terms, lowering the target's HP to 1/iii of its maximum will guarantee capture with a Poké Ball, while lowering it to i/ii will guarantee capture with a Corking Brawl.

If the Pokémon bankrupt free, the steps below are performed to decide how many times the ball will milk shake.

  1. Calculate d:
    • d = c a t c h R a t eastward × 100 B a l l {\displaystyle d=\left\lfloor {\dfrac {catchRate\times 100}{Ball}}\correct\rfloor } , where the value of Ball is 255 for the Poké Ball, 200 for the Neat Brawl, or 150 for other balls.
  2. If d is greater than or equal to 256, the ball shakes three times before the Pokémon breaks free.
  3. If non, calculate x = d × f 255 + south {\displaystyle ten=\left\lfloor {\dfrac {d\times f}{255}}\right\rfloor +s} , where s is 10 if the Pokémon is comatose or frozen or five if information technology is paralyzed, poisoned, or burned.
  4. If...
    • x < 10: the Ball misses the Pokémon completely.
    • x < 30: the Ball shakes once before the Pokémon breaks complimentary.
    • x < 70: the Ball shakes twice before the Pokémon breaks free.
    • Otherwise, the Brawl shakes three times before the Pokémon breaks free.

This algorithm thus has several curious properties that do not apply in later generations:

  • The corporeality of times a Poké Ball shakes before it breaks free (or non at all if information technology misses the Pokémon) is a rough approximation of the Pokémon's catch odds.
  • If a Pokémon volition break free, a given combination of brawl plus status condition plus HP will ever result in the same number of shakes. This ways that, if a given number of shakes is observed before the Pokémon breaks gratis for a given combination of these values, if the ball is ever observed to shake more than times with the same combination of values, the Pokémon will be caught.
  • Under certain situations, a Great Ball is more than constructive than an Ultra Brawl. In item, Pokémon with high grab rates, no condition, and above ½ HP may guarantee capture with a Neat Brawl merely fail to practice and so with an Ultra Ball.
  • The event of reducing HP diminishes with lower grab rates, and the effect of inflicting condition diminishes with college take hold of rates. Regardless of catch rate, reducing the HP does not increase chances of capture at less than ½ HP with Great Assurance, and ⅓ HP with other balls.
  • Inflicting a status ailment gives the histrion a flat boosted take chances (from four.6% to 16.6%) to take hold of the Pokémon regardless of all other factors, making sure Pokémon easier to catch in Generation I than they are in later generations: A sleeping Mewtwo with full HP may, on average, be caught in about six Ultra Assurance in Generation I, but from Generation Two onwards exactly the same circumstances would require an average of about 64 Ultra Balls— over ten times as many.
  • Due to the nature of the algorithm, Ultra Balls volition only perform better than Great Balls on Pokémon whose capture rates are above 55 and below 200 in Generation I. Ultra Balls increase the overall chance of capture by every bit much as xx% in comparison to Great Balls for Pokémon well-nigh the center of that range.
  • Assuming the electric current HP of target Pokémon is less than or equal to ½ HP for Great Balls and ⅓ HP for Ultra Balls, Ultra Balls increase the overall chance to capture past 10% or more in comparison to Great Balls for the post-obit Pokémon:
- Metapod, Kakuna, Pidgeotto, Raticate, Fearow, Arbok, Sandslash, Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Golbat, Gloom, Persian, Poliwhirl, Kadabra, Machoke, Weepinbell, Graveler, Haunter, Exeggcute, and Rhyhorn.

Approximate probability

The following calculation volition give the exact probability of catching a Pokémon whose catch rate is at most a specific value. It volition give results which are too high if the catch rates are more than this, but it remains a useful approximation. Specifically:

  • For a Poké Ball, it is exact for Pokémon with a catch rate of at nearly 230;
  • For a Great Brawl, it is exact for Pokémon with a grab rate of at most 175
  • For an Ultra or Safari Ball, it is verbal for Pokémon with a catch rate of at about 125.

C a p t u r e P r o b a b i l i t y p 0 + p 1 {\displaystyle CaptureProbability\approx p_{0}+p_{1}}


p 0 = s t a t u due south A i l m e n t b a l fifty M o d + 1 {\displaystyle p_{0}={\dfrac {statusAilment}{ballMod+1}}}

  • statusAilment = 12 if poisoned, burned, or paralyzed, 25 if frozen or asleep, 0 otherwise.
  • ballMod = 255 if using a Poké Brawl, 200 if using a Great Brawl, and 150 otherwise.


p ane = c a t c h R a t e + 1 b a l l One thousand o d + 1 × f + 1 256 {\displaystyle p_{1}={\dfrac {catchRate+1}{ballMod+1}}\times {\dfrac {f+1}{256}}}

  • f is defined in the to a higher place section for the capture method.
  • catchRate (given as an integer value) is stated on each individual Pokémon's article.

General capture method (Generation 2 onwards)

The capture algorithms in Generation Two and onwards have three essential components: the modified catch rate, the "shake probability", and the "shake checks". Generation II handles milkshake checks slightly differently than the later generations.

Modified grab charge per unit

The modified take hold of rate, a, is the catch rate after various factors such as weakening the Pokémon and using stronger Poké Balls are taken into consideration. A modified grab rate may never fall to 0 (that is, render a Pokémon impossible to capture), merely it may cause the modified charge per unit to fall below its original unmodified catch rate (such as from high health, Heavy Balls, Baiting in the Safari Zone, or the night grass penalty in Generation V). In Generation Iii and Generation IV, the modified catch rate may never fall below 1.

Shake probability

The shake probability, b, is a value that determines the probability that a single milkshake cheque passes.

Milkshake checks

Milkshake checks are performed to determine whether the Pokémon will be caught or, if the Pokémon breaks free, the number of shakes that will occur earlier it does and so.

In Generation II, whether a Pokémon will be caught is determined earlier any milkshake checks are performed, and shake checks are but performed if the Pokémon is not caught.

Capture method (Generation II)

Modified take hold of rate

The modified take hold of rate a is calculated in Generation 2 as follows:

a = m a ten ( ( 3 × H P m a ten 2 × H P c u r r due east northward t ) × r a t e m o d i f i east d 3 × H P m a x , 1 ) + b o n u s s t a t u southward {\displaystyle a=\mathrm {max} \left(\left\lfloor {\dfrac {(3\times HP_{max}-2\times HP_{electric current})\times rate_{modified}}{3\times HP_{max}}}\correct\rfloor ,i\right)+bonus_{status}}


  • HPmax is the number of hit points the Pokémon has at full wellness,
  • HPcurrent is the number of hit points the Pokémon has at the moment,
  • ratemodified is the catch rate of the Pokémon modified by the ball used, but no less than 1 and no more than than 255,
  • bonuscondition is the modifier for any status status the Pokémon has (10 for slumber or freeze, 0 otherwise).
    • bonusstatus was intended to equal v for paralyze, poison, or burn, simply due to a glitch, the game skips this check.

If three × HPmax > 255, so both 3 × HPmax and 2 × HPcurrent are halved twice (and rounded down afterward each division) for use in the formula, equally the values used are unsigned 8-bit integers. If the latter production is 0, information technology is set to i instead.

If the Pokémon's HP is 342 or greater, the 3 × HPmax value volition be truncated and the subtraction may underflow, giving bizarre results and even making information technology possible for the game to freeze; however, no such Pokémon can exist legitimately encountered in-game.

a is capped at 255.

Milk shake probability

The shake probability b is determined from the tabular array below, depending on the value of a.

a 0-i ii three 4 5 6-seven 8-10 xi-15 16-xx 21-xxx 31-twoscore 41-50 51-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-220 221-240 241-254 255
b 63 75 84 90 95 103 113 126 134 149 160 169 177 191 201 211 220 227 234 240 246 251 253 255

Shake checks

Commencement, a bank check is performed to determine whether the Pokémon is caught at all. A random number between 0 and 255 is generated, and if this number is less than or equal to a, the Pokémon is defenseless.

Shake checks are only performed if the Pokémon is not defenseless. A single shake cheque consists of generating a random number between 0 and 255 and comparing it to b. This is done at most three times, just if the number generated in a given shake check is greater than or equal to b, no further shake checks will exist performed. The number of times the ball shakes is the same as the number of shake checks that were performed. The table is substantially a very low-precision lookup tabular array with numbers corresponding to the shake rate in later generations, and then ultimately, aside from rounding errors (very bad ones in this example), the shake and capture rate remain like betwixt Generation II and the formula afterward used in Generation III.

Capture method (Generation III-IV)

Modified take hold of rate

The modified catch rate, a, is calculated in Generation III and Generation IV as follows:

a = ( 3 × H P m a x 2 × H P c u r r e north t ) × r a t east × b o north u south b a fifty 50 3 × H P thou a x × b o northward u southward s t a t u s {\displaystyle a={\dfrac {(3\times HP_{max}-2\times HP_{current})\times charge per unit\times bonus_{ball}}{iii\times HP_{max}}}\times bonus_{status}}


  • HPmax is the number of striking points the Pokémon has at full wellness,
  • HPelectric current is the number of hit points the Pokémon has at the moment,
  • charge per unit is the catch rate of the Pokémon (which may exist modified due to use of apricorn balls or actions in the Safari Zone),
  • bonusball is the multiplier for the Poké Ball used, and
  • bonusstatus is the multiplier for whatever condition status the Pokémon has (2 for slumber and freeze, ane.five for paralyze, poison, or burn, and one otherwise). Due to a problems in Ruby & Sapphire, if the target Pokémon is afflicted with Toxic Poison, no catch bonus is applied. This was fixed in FireRed and LeafGreen.

If a Pokémon could have 0 HP, the maximum value for a would be charge per unit × bonusbrawl × bonuscondition. For a Pokémon with full health and no status condition, and with a neutral ball used, the minimum value for a would be rate / three.

The formula is slightly unlike when practical to the Apricorn balls in HeartGold and SoulSilver. The modifiers for these balls are practical straight to the Pokémon'due south catch charge per unit, rather than in the formula. In this case, bonusball is always 1, and the catch rate cannot become higher than 255. This means that for Pokémon whose take hold of charge per unit is already 255, such as Rattata, the Apricorn balls do not make the capture whatsoever more likely than a regular Poké Ball.

Shake probability

The shake probability is calculated as follows:

b = 1048560 16711680 a {\displaystyle b={\dfrac {1048560}{\sqrt {\sqrt {\dfrac {16711680}{a}}}}}}

The divisions and square roots all circular downwardly to the nearest integer.

Shake checks

To perform a shake cheque, a random number between 0 and 65535 (inclusive) is generated and compared to b. If the number is greater than or equal to b, the bank check "fails".

Four milkshake checks are performed. The Pokémon is caught if all four shake checks succeed. Otherwise, the Poké Ball will shake equally many times as there were successful shake checks earlier the Pokémon breaks free.

In Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the Pokémon breaks free after shaking once if the get-go or second check fails. Otherwise, the Poké Ball will shake equally many times as in that location were successful shake checks before the Pokémon breaks free. A unlike message will appear depending on if the first or second bank check fails, despite the Poké Ball always shaking at least in one case.

If a is 255 or greater, the capture will always succeed and no milk shake checks volition be performed.

Probability of capture

The probability p of catching a Pokémon—given the values a and b calculated above for each milk shake, then requiring all 4 shakes be passed—is approximately ( b 65535 ) four {\textstyle \left({b \over 65535}\right)^{4}} , or just a 255 {\textstyle a \over 255} . Due to rounding errors produced when calculating b, this approximation can be significantly inaccurate; for instance, all a values greater than 200 yield the same b value, 65535, which results in a 99.994% chance of a successful capture.

For a constant capture probability p, the probability P ( r ) {\textstyle P(r)} that a role player can capture the Pokémon with no more than r tries is:

P ( r ) = 1 ( 1 p ) r {\displaystyle P(r)=1-(1-p)^{r}}

Note that this is the cumulative probability function for the random variable r, which has a geometric distribution. The expected value of the random variable r is i/p, that is to say, on average, a Pokémon that can be caught with probability p will be caught with one/p tries.

The inverse trouble, the number of tries, r, needed to have a probability P of capturing a Pokémon is:

r = l o g ( 1 P ) l o chiliad ( one p ) {\displaystyle r={\dfrac {log(one-P)}{log(1-p)}}}

Capture method (Generation V)

Modified catch rate

Generation Five follows the formula in Generation Three-IV, with all divisions above rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1/4096. Still, in that location are three alterations:

  • bonusstatus is at present 2.5 for sleep and freeze (instead of 2).
  • Capture Ability factor: if a Capture Power is active, the take hold of rate is multiplied by a cistron and rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1/4096.
    • Capture Power ↑: ×i.i
    • Capture Power ↑↑: ×i.2
    • Capture Power ↑↑↑, South, or MAX: ×i.iii
  • Dark grass factor: This factor is multiplied into the HP cistron ( 3 × H P m a x ii × H P c u r r eastward northward t {\textstyle iii\times HP_{max}-2\times HP_{current}} above) and and then rounded to the nearest multiple of one/4096. This factor is applied if the boxing occurs in dark grass, and depends on the number of Pokémon that accept been defenseless in the Pokédex, every bit shown in the table below, usually making it harder to catch a Pokémon. This even occurs when only i Pokémon is met in the dark grass.
Number Caught Multiplier
> 600 1
451-600 3686/4096 (xc%)
301-450 3277/4096 (80%)
151-300 2867/4096 (seventy%)
30-150 2048/4096 (50%)
< 30 1229/4096 (30%)

If the modified take hold of rate is greater than 255, the Pokémon is guaranteed to be caught (but a critical capture check will exist performed anyhow).

Shake probability

The formula for b is

b = 65536 255 a {\displaystyle b={\Biggl \lfloor }{\dfrac {65536}{\sqrt {\sqrt {\dfrac {255}{a}}}}}{\Biggr \rfloor }}

where the divisions and square roots are rounded to the nearest one/4096

Shake checks

Generation Five'south shake checks piece of work substantially the aforementioned as those of Generations III and Four.

Before any shake checks are performed, the game checks to see if a critical capture may happen. If not, three milk shake checks will be performed, otherwise, only ane shake bank check volition be performed.

In a normal capture, the Pokémon breaks costless without shaking if the first check fails or after one milkshake if the second cheque fails. If the third cheque fails, the Pokémon breaks free after three shakes (not two).

In a critical capture, the ball will always shake once, and the Pokémon will break gratis or be defenseless depending on the event of the shake bank check.

Capture method (Generation VI)

In Generation Six games, on the first route where a player can take hold of wild Pokémon (Kalos Route two in Pokémon X and Y or Hoenn Route 101 in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire), wild Pokémon volition never break out of a Poké Ball thrown at them.

Modified catch rate

The modified catch rate is essentially identical in all respects to Generation V, except that Capture O-Powers requite a 1.5×, 2× or two.v× boost rather than ane.i×, i.2× and 1.three×.

Shake probability

Unlike Generation V, the shake probability in Generation VI is calculated equally follows:

b = 65536 ( 255 a ) 0.1875 {\displaystyle b={\dfrac {65536}{\left({\dfrac {255}{a}}\right)^{0.1875}}}}

Shake checks

The Generation 6 games perform four shake checks once again, like Generations III-Iv. Critical captures office like in Generation Five, with only one shake check being performed for a disquisitional capture.

The change to the formula for the shake probability is designed to counteract the change in the number of shake checks: the odds of success for a normal capture are the aforementioned in Generation VI equally in Generation V, barring small rounding errors. Since each shake check is more than likely to succeed, still, critical captures are more constructive than before.

Capture method (Generation VIII)

Two new multipliers are added, L and D, both of which are level-related.

Fifty is a multiplier based on the level of the wild Pokémon: Fifty = max ( 30 L east v e l 10 , 1 ) {\displaystyle Fifty=\max \left({\frac {xxx-Level}{10}},1\correct)} .

D, the difficulty gene, has two different functions, depending on if information technology'south a normal wild battle or a Max Raid Battle:

  • During normal wild battles, if the wild Pokémon's level exceeds the level of the player's Pokémon currently in battle, D becomes 410/4096, reducing the capture rate to finer x% of the normal value. This only applies prior to completing the game, afterwards which it is always ready at i.
  • During Max Raid Battles, this is a value that scales based on whether the player is the host or a guest, and on the difficulty of the raid; how this impacts the value is currently unknown.

Captures during Max Raids take identify with the Pokémon at 1 HP and no status conditions. In addition, an additional plow is added to the count; this means that it's impossible to go the Quick Ball's bonus, and a Timer Ball always gets at least a 1.3 multiplier.

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Reason: Catch charge per unit formula and proper application of modifiers unknown

Pokémon Legends: Arceus overhauled many aspects of how to capture Pokémon. Most notably is that the player tin can throw Poké Balls outside of battles, leading to an entirely new out of boxing capture arrangement.

There are several factors that tin can impact catch rate:

Poké Assurance
Proper noun Modifier
Base Boosted
Bag Poké Ball LA Sprite.png Poké Ball 0.75 0.75
Bag Great Ball LA Sprite.png Great Ball 1.5 1.5
Bag Ultra Ball LA Sprite.png Ultra Brawl 2.25 2.25
Bag Heavy Ball LA Sprite.png Heavy Ball i 1.25
Bag Leaden Ball LA Sprite.png Leaden Ball 1.75 2
Bag Gigaton Ball LA Sprite.png Gigaton Ball 2.5 2.75
Bag Feather Ball LA Sprite.png Feather Ball 0.5 1.25
Bag Wing Ball LA Sprite.png Wing Ball i.25 2
Bag Jet Ball LA Sprite.png Jet Ball 2 2.75
Overworld beliefs
Behavior Modifier
Default 2
Docile reaction 2
Timid reaction 1
Aggressive reaction ane
Caution 2
Eating 2.5
Eating a Berry two.5
Eating a Cake iv
Sleeping iv
Stunned iii
Resting 2.five
Escaping i
Galaxy Squad Rank
Rank Wild Pokémon Level
10 xx 30 40 50 60 70 eighty ninety 100
No Star 0 -ane -2 -three -4 -5 -v -5 -v -5
Showtime Star 0 0 -one -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -5 -5
Second Star 0 0 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -5
Third Star 0 0 0 0 -ane -2 -3 -4 -five -v
Fourth Star 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
5th Star 0 0 0 0 0 0 -i -2 -3 -4
6th Star 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -one -2 -iii
Seventh Star 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -2
Eighth Star 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
Ninth Star 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Full Star 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other factors
  • Landing a back strike adds a modifier of i.75
  • Feeding a Block that is favored by the wild Pokémon adds a modifier of i.3
  • Whatsoever non-volatile status condition adds a modifier of 2

Critical capture

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Reason: Pokémon Become and Communicable Charm chances

Since Generation V, when a Poké Ball is thrown, a special blazon of capture that is much more than likely to catch a Pokémon, chosen a critical capture (Japanese: 捕獲クリティカル critical capture), may occur. When a critical capture occurs, the Poké Ball will make a high-pitched whistling sound equally it is thrown, then pause in mid-air, and shudder earlier it drops downward to the ground, shaking only once on the ground before the Pokémon escapes or is caught.

The probability of a critical capture occurring depends of the number of Pokémon that have been caught in the Pokédex. First, compute the value of a (the modified take hold of rate) every bit shown in the appropriate section to a higher place. And then, multiply a by the advisable multiplier from the table below.

Species Caught Multiplier
>600 2.five
451-600 2
301-450 1.5
151-300 1
31-150 0.v
≤30 0

Finally, carve up the upshot past 6 and round down to the nearest integer. Call this last result c. A random number between 0 and 255 is generated; if it is less than c, a critical capture will occur. Overall, this ways the disquisitional capture risk ranges from 0 (if thirty or fewer species have been caught) to about 41.67% of the modified capture rate a (if over 600 species have been caught).

Critical captures only make ane milk shake check instead of three or four, which means they are considerably more likely to successfully capture the Pokémon. In Generation V, the success gamble for a critical capture is the cube root of the success hazard for a regular capture; thus, for example, if the regular success chance is 5%, the risk of success with a critical capture volition be about 37%, while if the regular success chance is 50%, the run a risk of success with a disquisitional capture volition be merely over 79%. In Generation Half-dozen, meanwhile, the success adventure for a critical capture is instead the fourth root of the success take a chance for a regular capture: if the regular success chance is 5%, the critical success chance will be around 47%, while if the regular success chance is fifty%, the critical success adventure will exist around 84%. Given the rarity of critical captures, however, the Pokémon is e'er more probable overall to be defenseless with a regular capture than a critical one.

Poké Ball effectiveness rates

Brawl Rate Notes
Poké Ball Poké Ball one×
Great Ball Nifty Ball i.5×
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball ii×
Master Ball Master Ball N/A Never fails, except against unidentified ghosts, the ghost Marowak, Kyurem when under Ghetsis's control, and Nihilego in Aether Paradise
Safari Ball Safari Ball one.five×Gen I-Vii, 1×Gen VIII
Level Ball Level Ball one×, ii×, 4× or viii× i× if the player'southward Pokémon is the same level as or a lower level than the wild Pokémon

2× if the player's Pokémon is at a higher level than the wild Pokémon but less than double it
four× if the player'southward Pokémon is more than double but less than four times the level of the wild Pokémon
eight× if the player's Pokémon is of a level four times or more that of the wild Pokémon

Lure Ball Lure Ball 1× or three× Chiliad S C HG SS /5×Gen 7/4×Gen VIII three×/5×/4× only if fishing
Moon Ball Moon Brawl 1× or 4× Always i× due to a glitch G S C
4× only if used on a Pokémon in the Nidoran♂, Nidoran♀, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Skitty, or Munna families
Friend Ball Friend Ball
Love Ball Beloved Ball 1× or 8× 8× only if used on a Pokémon of the same species and gender every bit the player's Pokémon One thousand Southward C

8× only if used on a Pokémon of the same species as, but opposite gender of, the actor's Pokémon HG SS Due south M

Heavy Ball Heavy Ball -20, 0, +20, +xxx or +40 -20 if used on Pokémon weighing less than 225.8 lbs. Thousand Due south C */451.v lbs. HG SS */220.46 lbs. S M * U.s. UM *
No modifier if used on Pokémon weighing between 225.viii lbs. G South C /220.46 lbs. S M and 451.5 lbs. G S C /440.92 lbs. S Grand
+20 if used on Pokémon weighing betwixt 451.5 lbs. G South C HG SS /440.92 lbs. South M and 677.3 lbs. M S C HG SS /661.38 lbs. S Grand
+30 if used on Pokémon weighing more 661.38 lbs. S Thousand
+thirty if used on Pokémon weighing between 677.three lbs. and 903.0 lbs. G S C HG SS
+40 if used on Pokémon weighing more than 903.0 lbs. K S C HG SS
Fast Ball Fast Brawl 1× or iv× 4× only if used on Magnemite, Grimer, or Tangela G South C

four× merely if used on a Pokémon with a base Speed of at least 100 HG SS S M

Sport Ball Sport Brawl i.v×Gen Two-7, 1×Gen VIII
Net Ball Net Ball 1× or 3×Gen III-Half-dozen/three.five×Gen VII 3×/iii.5× only if the target is a Bug- or Water-type Pokémon
Nest Ball Nest Ball 1× to 4× ((twoscore - Pokémon's level) ÷ 10)×, minimum one× (reached at level 30)Gen Iii-4
((41 - Pokémon's level) ÷ ten)×, minimum 1×Gen Five
((41 - Pokémon'south level) ÷ x)× if Pokémon's level is between 1 and 29, 1x otherwiseGen VI+
Repeat Ball Echo Brawl 1×, 3×Gen Three-VI or 3.v×Gen VII 3×/three.five× merely if target has been caught previously
Timer Ball Timer Ball one× to four× ((number of turns passed in battle + 10) / 10)×, maximum iv× Gen Three-IV
(1 + number of turns passed in battle * 1229/4096)×, maximum four× Gen 5+
Premier Ball Premier Ball
Luxury Ball Luxury Ball
Dive Ball Dive Ball 1× or three.5× 3.5× only if diving R S E OR As or surfing/fishing D P Pt HG SS B W B2 W2 X Y Southward M
Dusk Ball Dusk Brawl i× or 3.v×Gen III-VI/three×Gen Vii 3.5×/3× merely if within a cave or at nighttime
Quick Ball Quick Ball 1× or four×Gen 4/5×Gen Five-VII 4×/5× but on the outset turn of the battle
Heal Ball Heal Brawl
Cherish Ball Cherish Ball
Park Ball Park Brawl N/A Never fails
Dream Ball Dream Ball N/A (when used in Entree Forest)/1× or 4×Gen Viii Never fails in Generation V; only 4× when used against a sleeping Pokémon in Generation VIII.
Beast Ball Beast Ball 5× or 0.1x five× only if used on an Ultra Beast
0.1× on everything else


From Generation 3 onward, if a Pokémon's HP is almost depleted, the chance of a single brawl catching it can be approximated equally

C a t c h C h a northward c e r a t e × b o n u s b a l l × b o due north u s southward t a t u s 255 {\displaystyle CatchChance\approx {rate\times bonus_{brawl}\times bonus_{status} \over 255}}

Consider a Pokémon with a catch rate of three (which is the case for nearly Legendary Pokémon) whose almost depleted its HP and is paralyzed.

If a Sunset Brawl is used at night or in a cave (Ball bonus of 3.5), then the probability of capture per Brawl is approximately 3 × iii.v × ane.5 255 = 15.75 255 vi.2 % {\textstyle {3\times three.5\times one.5 \over 255}={fifteen.75 \over 255}\approx 6.2\%} . This means that the average number of Dusk Balls required for capture is one 6.ii % 16 {\textstyle {ane \over half-dozen.2\%}\approx 16} .

If an Ultra Ball were used instead (Ball bonus of two), and so the probability of capture per Ball is approximately 3 × 2 × 1.5 255 = 9 255 three.v % {\textstyle {3\times 2\times 1.5 \over 255}={9 \over 255}\approx three.5\%} . This means that the boilerplate number of Ultra Balls required for capture is instead 1 iii.5 % 28 {\textstyle {1 \over 3.5\%}\approx 28} .

Alternatively, if a Timer Ball is used after the 30th plough (Generation 3 to IV) or 10th turn (Generation V), resulting in a Brawl bonus of 4, the probability of capture per Ball is approximately 3 × 4 × 1.5 255 = 18 255 7.i % {\textstyle {3\times 4\times 1.5 \over 255}={eighteen \over 255}\approx 7.i\%} . This means that the average number of Timer Balls required for capture is 1 7.i % 14 {\textstyle {ane \over vii.1\%}\approx 14} .


Shakes Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation Iv Generation V Generation 6 Generation VII Generation 8
S Thousand US UM P E
0 You lot missed the Pokémon! Oh no! The Pokémon broke complimentary! Oh, no! The Pokémon broke free! Oh, no! The Pokémon broke free! Oh no! The Pokémon broke free! Ah, no! The Pokémon broke complimentary from the Poké Ball! Oh no! The Pokémon bankrupt free!
ane Darn! The Pokémon bankrupt costless! Aww! It appeared to be caught! Ahhh! Simply when it seemed similar you had it! Aww! It appeared to be caught!
two Aww! It appeared to be caught! Aargh! Almost had information technology! * Aargh! Almost had it! What a shame! You lot were so close to catching it, likewise! Aargh! Near had it!
3 Shoot! It was and so shut too! Shoot! It was so close, too! Aargh! Almost had it! Gah! It was so close, likewise! So shut! Yous almost got it! Gah! It was so close, too!
Caught All right! <Pokémon> was caught! Gotcha! <Pokémon> was caught! All right! Y'all caught a/an <Pokémon>! Gotcha! <Pokémon> was caught!

Other uses

Generation I

Principal commodity: Listing of Pokémon by wild held item (Generation II)

In the Generation I games, when a Pokémon is caught, its catch rate is saved in its data structure, and remains unchanged even upon evolution. If a Pokémon caught in a Generation I game is traded to a Generation Two game, this value becomes the Pokémon's held detail.

In Pokémon Yellowish and Pokémon Stadium, this value is specifically set for item Pokémon to ensure that the Pokémon will hold a specific particular when traded to a Generation Two game.


  • If used outside of the Entree Wood prior to Generation VIII (which was not possible in regular gameplay), the Dream Ball has a catch rate of one×.
  • The line if a Pokémon escapes at three shakes in Generation Three and IV, "Shoot! Information technology was then shut, too!", remains in the internal data of the Generation 5 games despite not existence used.
  • In Pokémon Lord's day and Moon, a Heavy Ball will always neglect to catch a Pokémon whose weight is less than 220.46 lbs (100.0 kg) and whose catch rate is less than or equal to xx. This is because the game will ready the take hold of rate to 0 when the catch charge per unit becomes negative due to the -20 modifier that is applied. The but catchable Pokémon that this affects are Beldum and the guardian deities. This error was corrected in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
  • The numbers 255, 4096, and 65536 result from the data types used. 255 is the highest number a byte can encode. 4096 is the corporeality of space a 12-bit integer tin encode. 65536 is the corporeality of space two bytes tin encode.

Come across also

  • List of Pokémon by catch rate


  • ポケットモンスター情報センター 2号館 (Japanese)
  • Generation I Capture Mechanics
  • Generation 2 Capture Mechanics
  • Generation III/IV Capture Mechanics
  • Generation V Capture Mechanics
  • Generation 6 Capture Mechanics

External links

  • Windows awarding to summate take hold of charge per unit as of Generation Iv (includes source code)


Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate

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